Introducing Resume Experts: The NRWA’s Online Resource for Job-Seekers!

The NRWA launched a new online resource today to help job-seekers connect with expert advice and professional resume-writing services. A historic first for the resume-writing industry, features a searchable database of 450+ NRWA members, timely articles on relevant career topics, and an “Ask the Experts" tool that enables job-seekers to ask NRWA members for advice on job-search strategies and best practices.

Starting this week, the site will be introduced to the public via press release and in a series of social media ads and other promotions. is the result of months of planning and hard work by our Public Image Committee, with the goal of enhancing the NRWA’s visibility and reputation and demonstrating the value of working with a professional resume writer.

Volunteers, led by Past NRWA President Michelle Dumas, contributed many hours to the effort, sharing expertise gained through decades of collective experience as resume writers, LinkedIn experts, personal branding strategists, coaches, counselors, and other career- services professionals.

The first phase of the initiative was launched in June with an online portal that enabled NRWA members to respond to career-related questions from job-seekers. Going forward, members will be invited to answer up to 3 questions per month. Submissions will be limited to 400 characters each and top responses will be selected (based on clarity and value to the job-seeker) for inclusion on the Resume Experts site.

How YOU can help:
To ensure the quality and value of the Resume Experts resource, we need your active engagement so please support this important initiative:

How YOU benefit from participation:

Remember…this is a members-only benefit, so you’ll need to log in to the NRWA website to access and answer questions. For further assistance, please contact: