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NRWA Conference Update

June 22, 2020 1:02 PM | Administrative Manager

The NRWA 2020 Annual Conference - Going virtual!

The results are in – the 2020 Annual Conference is going VIRTUAL

Coronavirus has proven to be an unexpected health crisis and has caused many changes to short and long-term plans for us all. After much research and discussion, we have made the official decision to transition the NRWA 2020 Annual Conference to a virtual format. 

I know this format will not replace the experience of attending in-person. However, I am optimistic that we can all use this as an opportunity to embrace change and adapt with emerging technology to keep us all connected. What I am most excited about is the opportunity to reach more members by removing the burdens of travel and lodging, while increasing conference accessibility to all. The virtual format will also allow us to provide registrants access to all education session recordings for three weeks following the conference.

Using the results and feedback of our membership survey, we are redesigning a conference experience that will deliver the quality content and interactive networking that we all enjoy and expect from our beloved annual NRWA event. We have already reached out to all our selected speakers and confirmed 95% retention of our original line-up. Click here to see the results of membership survey. 

We are working hard to bring you a seamless and engaging virtual conference and are excited by the overwhelming interest of our members to join us for this inaugural event. In the meantime, I would like to personally thank the Conference Planning Committee, Stringfellow Management, and most of all our amazing membership for everyone’s valuable input and support. I am grateful for our NRWA community and look forward to seeing your smiling faces at our upcoming conference. 

Click here for more details on the virtual conference. Registration is now open, and we will share more details in the coming weeks on our virtual conference platform, schedule of speakers, and more.

All the best,

Nancy Grant, MS, NCOPE
2020 NRWA Conference Chair

P.S. Fortunately, we were able to renegotiate our contract with the Royal Sonesta without penalty and are excited to confirm that we will be hosting our 2021 conference in New Orleans, September 12th – 14th. Save the date!

The National Résumé Writers' Association
North Grove Corporate Park, 8120 Lehigh Ave
Morton Grove, IL 60053

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